Supporting athletes

Optimise your performance

To reach the peak of sporting activity requires the body to be functioning at its optimum level. The greater the postural balance and functional integrity of the body the more effortlessly the body will perform. The more you can achieve with less effort, which reduces your risk of strain and injury.

Treatments help to fine tune the body in both form and function, helping you to achieve and maintain your optimum performance level. 

Bowen treatment was a technique developed on the side of sport pitches to mend injuries and counter fatigue, and is very supportive when used regularly to promote peak athletic performance.

Whether involved in extreme leisure sports, county competitions, club leagues, or just in it for your own enjoyment, regular treatments can play a vital part in you achieving, and maintaining, your optimum fitness and performance goals.

Protect yourself from Injury

Treatments help to fine tune the body in both form and function, helping you reduce over-effort, strain and fatigue that can lead to tissue damage and injury thus protecting your training.

Achieve peak training levels

Know what your training level is actually doing to your body.

Know when training is too harsh causing strain and creating vulnerabilities to injury or exhaustion.

Know when you can go that bit further without risk of ruining your training goals.

Avoid that frustrating, unproductive injury or fatigue hampered stop start training.

Being able to read the subtle qualities developing in the fascia and soft tissues of your body I can support you to attain your optimal training plan. Getting you to that all important event, confident, ready and raring to go.

Resolving sports injuries

Sports injuries can be obtained from imbalances in your training program. Soft tissue assessment in treatment perfectly informs where strains and imbalances are developing in your body. Treating these and addressing your training program to suit you better assures your efforts are put to best use, and affords you to reach your sporting goals.

Even with the best training plans and fitness accidents can happen. Severe changes in direction, falls, impact injuries can produce strains, sprains, micro tears, breaks and surgical intervention. I am very experienced in effectively treating even the most extreme and vulnerable injuries, and post surgery breaks and physical trauma. Along with support on you getting the most out of your rehabilitation exercises we can swiftly get you back to your training and sporting activities.

Sports client reviews

Run better / Half Marathon Training

“Plagued with constant training injuries I was recommended by a run friend to go see Jen and “get some Bowen!” At first Jen treated my injuries and now treats me regularly to keep me running fit. From my tissue function and quality she tells me how hard I can push, when my training is starting to head me in the wrong direction, risking injury, and when to vary it up to keep my tissues from fatiguing… start lines met and PB’s galore… having a ball!!!”

RJ - Gloucestershire

Neck Injury and Sports Fitness

“When I was 7 years old I landed badly on my neck. It had never been the same afterwards– always stiff and slightly painful. I was recommended to go and get treatment and went to see Jen walker 3 years ago (50 years after the injury). After 2 or 3 treatments my neck was 100% and since then Jen has treated several sports injuries received from playing hockey, and running. I am now 70 and still sportingly very active, constantly setting myself new running challenges and long distance cycle adventures. Jen gives me an overhaul every few weeks, and regular training advice, keeping me active”. 

DW - Gloucester

Fit for Polo / Professional Polo Player

“Met Jen at the Polo stables treating horses. I’d fallen from my horse in a play off, foot trapped in stirrup and dragged along. Agonising knee for weeks was stopping professional play. Jen got me back up in the saddle in no time at all. Just done a full week of chukkas, no problem ….👍🏽”

MA - Gloucestershire /Argentina

Sports Injuries case histories

  • AC Ligament Knee (Male client, aged 23 - 4 treatments)

    As a cricketer and rugby player, MC's left leg was in a brace following cartilage removal and damage to the AC ligament. His right leg was in plaster nearly to the knee due to further ligament problems and he was on anti-inflammatory tablets. Some pain followed the first Bowen treatment and the left knee became temporarily more swollen. However, after four treatments the hospital verdict was that the knees were now very stable and that a further anticipated operation would no longer be necessary.

  • TFL (Female Client, aged 42 - 3 treatments)

    FC ran regular half marathons, this year she had increased her training to complete her first marathon. At the peak of her training her TFL ceased up and created intense pain in the knee. The doctor advised 6 -8 weeks of rest, but with 2 Bowen treatments the ligament had relaxed back to normal. With one further treatment, and a new steadier approach to training, FC was back on the road after three weeks. The knee strong and pain free.

  • Skiing accident (Female Client, aged 47 - 7 treatments)

    FC fell while skiing, twisting and injuring her left arm on impact. FC had debilitating pain through her elbow joint and could not extend or flex the elbow further than 10 degrees. Bowen treatment revealed that her shoulder and wrist joints were not in line, with tissue swelling seizing the elbow joint. After the first treatment FC's elbow pain was reduced to a dull ache and movement improved by 15 %. It took 3 more treatments for the joints to be fully aligned and stable with full movement, and 3 more treatments over an extended period of time to help strengthen and protect the elbow from further injury.